The companies Trexton Group, Bell Helicopter, UTC Aerospace Systems and TECT Aerospace visited Andalusia and held a meeting with the managers of our center to explore its activity and opportunities for collaboration

CATEC participated in mid-April on a reverse mission with US aerospace companies in which participated some of the leading companies in the aerospace industry of the country, such as Trexton Group, Bell Helicopter, UTC Aerospace Systems and TECT Aerospace. The event, organized by the Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia Extenda in collaboration with the Cluster Hélice, the Office of Extenda in Miami and Aerópolis, was held with the aim of promoting the internationalization of the Andalusian aeronautical industry and increasing its presence in foreign markets.

The mission included a series of business meetings and visits in which several Andalusian companies and entities could show their productive and technological capabilities and explore possibilities of collaboration, including CATEC.

Our Center had a job interview with the heads of American companies in which it presented its broad portfolio of technology services and support to R&D to aeronautical companies and the main lines of research developed in the areas of greatest projection industry: new materials and manufacturing processes, robotics and process automation, and avionics and aerospace systems.