CATEC’s researchers presented some of the most outstanding results on new technologies applied to non-destructive structural tests with composites at the 16th International Conference on Composites Structures
Researchers from CATEC and the University of Seville attended one of the most important international scientific meetings on structures and composites, the 16th International Conference on Composites Structures, held from 28th to 30th June at the Faculty of Engineering of Oporto (Portugal). The most relevant experts and Scientifics who are currently working in the field of new technologies of structures and composites, a very determinant area for the aeronautical sector which is growing also in other sectors, met together at this conference.
The Andalusian delegation was formed by the head of the department of Materials and Processes, Fernando Lasagni, and the researcher, María Luz Santamaría, of this department, and also by teachers from the University of Seville Antonio Manuel Blázquez and José Antonio Reinoso, with who the centre works closely. Scientifics presented several pioneering researching works about inspection techniques and failure and anomalies detection developed in Andalusia and failures in composites of polymer carbon fiber through the application of new technologies in non-destructive structural tests, like thermography or X-rays tomography.
The conference, organized with the aim of boosting and supporting technology on structures and composites in the international community, was attended by participants from several countries like the EEUU, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Denmark or Israel. Attending this conference, CATEC strengthen its position as one of the most outstanding researching centres on composites in Europe.