FADA-CATEC contributed to this event promoting different parallel activities such as B2B meetings between conference attendees and the Andalusian industry, and organizing visits to companies

More than 130 experts and researchers in aerospace engineering from 19 countries attended in Aerópolis (Sevilla) the third edition of the ASIDI International Conference (Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics), last 17-19 November. This event was held for the first time in Europe and brought together the main players in this field to discuss latest advances in aerospace policy, structural impact dynamics, computational and experimental techniques and technologies and research.

The conference was organized by the IDEA Agency, in collaboration with HÉLICE Cluster, Aerópolis and the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR). The sessions were attended by researchers, regulatory agencies and industry professionals from NASA, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the US National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) and large companies as Boeing or Airbus. Other companies and entities established in Andalusia, as Aernnova or CATEC, also participated. Specifically attended the event 34 companies and 25 R&D centers from all around the world.

During the conference was presented a demonstrator based on structural monitoring technology for composite parts, entirely made by CATEC. Our Center also collaborated with the event organizing some parallel free activities for companies and organizations attendees, in collaboration with the IDEA Agency and the Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia – Extenda.

These actions included a visit to CATEC facilities, where several demonstrations of Materials and Processes were performed, and B2B meetings between CATEC’s staff and Andalusian aerospace companies.