Our Center participated in this initiative led by the IDEA Agency and that is part of the Presidency of Seville of the Community of Ariane Cities in 2019

Our Center participated on December 20 in a working meeting at the Airbus facilities in Tablada (Seville) in which different institutions and companies of regional and national scope brought together in order to promote a strategy to boost the Space industry in Andalusia. In this meeting, representatives of TEDAE, the HELICE Cluster, Andalucía Aerospace, the Ministry of Defence, some universities, Airbus, the City Council of Seville and the Junta de Andalucía participated, through the IDEA Agency, the Ministry of Employment, Business and Trade, which is in charge of the Technical Secretariat of the Andalusian Industrial Strategy and is responsible and leads this process.

As a result of this first working meeting, the base for the constitution of the Commission for the Space Industry in Andalusia was set up, at the beginning of 2019, within the framework of the Presidency of Seville of the Community of Ariane cities. Likewise, a roadmap and a program of events aimed at industry have been established, which will culminate at the end of the year, on the eve of the Interministerial Commission of the European Space Agency, with an international event on Space Technologies for Dual-Use, civil and Defence.

Andalusia, which is committed to the development of industry and innovation as a vector of territorial transformation through the Andalusian Industrial Strategy EIA2020, has recognized the space environment as an opportunity field of advanced industry on which to bet to generate activity and employment.

Therefore, it has launched this alliance between institutions, companies, knowledge and administration entities, in order to strengthen and link the players of the space industry in Andalusia; know their capabilities, connect regionally, nationally and internationally and establish a roadmap to position our region to take advantage of the opportunities in the European space strategy, and those actions arising from the European Defence Strategy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence, Science, Innovation and Universities, and Agriculture, and the European Space Agency (ESA) can be implemented in Andalusia.