Our head of the incubator ESA_BIC Andalusia, Gracia Catalina Piñero, has recently received the Andalucía Capital 2024 Award for Andalusian Talent. The Andalucía Capital Awards granted by the radio station Onda Cero recognise the activity carried out throughout the year by companies, managers, cooperatives and freelancers in Andalusia.
Gracia Catalina expressed her gratitude for the recognition and said that it was ‘a boost to continue the work of disseminating, promoting and connecting Andalusia’s entrepreneurial ecosystem with the world. Our entrepreneurs are the most talented profiles of this land, and we must continue to promote the entrepreneurial sector’.
The head of ESA BIC is a Telecommunications Engineer and MBA from Peking University (China), and her professional career of more than 20 years of experience has always been linked to the ICT sector. She is currently responsible for the new space business incubator, ESA BIC Andalusia, located in Seville, and one of its objectives is to promote innovation and technological development in the space sector in the community.
A leading professional in the Andalusian entrepreneurial ecosystem, he has extensive experience in supporting startups and promoting innovation. She has actively collaborated with public initiatives from the regional administration, the university and with large private companies, associations and foundations that promote entrepreneurship, business innovation and the scalability of startups.
Specifically, Gracia has been director of the Minerva Incubation Programme from 2014 to 2024. Minerva is an incubator and accelerator of technology-based companies promoted by the Junta de Andalucía and Vodafone to foster entrepreneurship, which has helped and accelerated more than 200 startups in these ten years.
Congratulations on the award!