Out center organized an information day in which it was presented the characteristics of the calls for these programs and examples of projects developed in collaboration with Airbus DS, Aernnova and Airgrup
More than 40 experts and professionals of the main Andalusian aerospace companies participated on 17 April in a meeting. There it was analyzed the possibilities of technologic collaboration in the new programs CIEN and FEDER-Innterconecta, both destined to the financing R&D through the creation of pools between companies and research centers.
The activity was aimed to promote the collaboration in R&D between the companies of the sector and CATEC, which is leading the formation of consortia for the developing and the implementation of projects for the Innterconecta call. In the meeting it showed the characteristics of the last calls of these two programs and the last previsions for 2015 calls.
The initiative served to present the technologies and the services developed by CATEC, these are available for the companies of the Andalusian aerospace sector. Thus, CATEC fulfil its purposes which are to approximate the technologies, the innovations and the useful knowledge to the aeronautic industry. The aim is to make it stronger and more competitive in the region.
The event was inaugurated by Joaquín Rodríguez Grau, CEO of FADA, and Carmen Alonso, Dept. Of Energy, Transportation, Manufacturing and Digital Society of CDTI. The meeting included some presentation of projects on the part of Airbus Defence & Space, Airgrup and Aernnova, realized with FADA-CATEC, and workshops about projects related to aeronautic process and materials, help systems to the production and automation of the process in the aerospace industry.
Later, FADA-CATEC has initiated a process of meetings to structure the formation of companies’ pools interested in participate in the ERDF-Innterconecta call, starting with the attending companies. The goal is to generate proposals among the aeronautic firms and positioning the Andalusian consortia Andalusian optimally in this call.