Our center participates in this initiative thanks to a new project focused on the implementation of UAS in manufacturing processes in aircraft production plants, which is being developed with the participation of the University of Seville and Airbus DS
CATEC is taking part in the European robotics competition EUROC (European Robotic Challenges Forum) with a new R&D project aimed at the application of aerial robots in the process of manufacturing and aircraft structure assembly in aerospace factories. The initiative, called ARCOW, is part of the implementation of new technologies to improve manufacturing processes in aerospace through automation that can be performed by robots or unmanned systems (UAS).
It develops two different applications: the location and identification of weird objects which can damage internal aeronautical structures (Foreign Object Damage), and the improvements of logistic process manufacturing and assembly of aerostructures using aerial robots, which will handle the materials displacement in the supply chain.
ARCOW project will be developed by a consortium led by the University of Seville (Robotics, Vision and Control Group) and shared by CATEC and Airbus Defence & Space through its CBC (Centro Bahía de Cádiz) located in El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), and the Final Assembly Line of Industrial Site San Pablo (Seville).
The initiative, has been selected with the second highest score to participate in second phase of the competition EUROC (European Robotic Challenges), framed within the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission aimed to develop innovative solutions for the needs of European industrial production companies. Specifically ARCOW is in the “Plant Maintenance and Inspection” challenge along with other four teams of technological centers and companies from different European sectors. Participating in this competition will give to ARCOW the possibility of developing a pilot project about the application of aerial robots. The winner of this competition will be selected in January 2017.