The centre has signed an agreement of collaboration to join in this initiative willing to give a response to Andalusian enterprises’ needs in terms of knowledge and innovation
CATEC has signed an agreement of collaboration with the Innovation and Development Agency of Andalusia IDEA to set up the Creation and Development of High Added Value Enterprises Programme, dubbed Campus Plus. Thanks to this agreement, which has been subscribed between the CATEC’s general director and Agencia IDEA’s general director, Antonio Valverde, the centre will be able to participate for the very first time in this programme aimed at giving a response to the enterprises’ needs in terms of knowledge and innovation. The programme is intended to accompany the most talented and skilled Andalusian entrepreneurs when developing their business activity. In order to develop this bunch of performances is indispensable to involve entities generating innovation and knowledge like Academia and Technological Centres. From their research and development new initiative participating in the programme will come out.
CAMPUS Plus starts with a new version taking advantage of former strengths and expands its sphere of action. Like this, it has new features like expanding financial backing to the phases after the company has been set up (phases of growth and development), so instruments like the new Entrepreneur Funds could be involved. At the same time, the programmes also has non financing tools like customized follow-up, consultancy in terms of industrial property, internationalization or cooperation among others. All are crucial elements to reach competitive development for companies to get off the ground.
Joining in this programme, CATEC is taking a step forward to fulfil its goal of contributing the development of innovation and knowledge in Andalusia, notably, in the aerospace industry enabling to set up new business initiatives and projects aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship and technology transfer from the Academia to the industry as well.
Campus Programme has created 156 new enterprises since 2004 thanks to incentives valued at € 20,3 millions generating an investment of € 34,2 millions and more than 650 highly skilled employees. This makes Andalusia the first autonomous community to create spin off companies from the Academia in Spain.