CATEC organized two information days in which students from different education centers of both provinces participated
In order to present the opportunities of entrepreneurship and professional development offered by new technologies linked to the aerospace sector, our Center recently organized two informative days addressed to young students from different secondary education centers in Jaen and Seville.
The initiative was framed within the project “Aeroemprende”, an initiative carried out by FADA-CATEC, in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Junta de Andalucia, which seeks to detect and analyze business opportunities in the aerospace industry and promote the approach to the entrepreneur of innovative technologies in this field.
Thus, on the one hand, more than 125 students from the SAFA Villacarrillo, Mercedarias Villacarrillo and IES Las Villas Villacarrillo centers visited the facilities of our ATLAS Center in Jaen, along with Center’s director, Anastasio Sánchez, and other CATEC engineers. The students saw a flight demonstration of drones and participated in an informative talk about the opportunities that these technologies represent for entrepreneurship and their professional future.
On the other hand, the IES San Jose de la Rinconada (Seville) hosted another informative session with students of the last years of secondary education, who were equally interested in knowing in detail the possibilities of professional and business development in the aerospace field. The talk also served to encourage students to pursue engineering or technological studies.