The event will be held in Madrid from 24 to 26 April. CATEC will participate on the exhibition and demo day with different UAVs

Madrid will hold UNVEX 2012 on the next 24 and 26 April, the second national meeting about unmanned systems and aircrafts which wants to become the referral Spanish appointment on Unmanned Systems, air (UAV), ground (UGV) and marine (USV) that will be attended by prime national experts and players in this area from public and private organizations as well as from the Academia ant technological centres. The goal is to present its new products and projects and exchange knowledge and experiences to develop new initiatives.

The event will comprise a conference programme with talks and round tables organized in three main areas: technology, regulation and legal concerns, and operations/applications (aerial, ground and maritime). There will be also an exhibition of a variety of aerial vehicles as well as ground vehicles.

CATEC, as it couldn’t be any other way, will be one of the aerospace entities taking part in this important meeting, where it will present before the enterprises and institutions attending the event its wide knowledge in the area of unmanned aerial systems. CATEC will also show its latest advances and research on technologies related to UAVs, one of the strategic areas of the centre. To do so, it will have its own stand at the exhibitors’ area where the scientific director, Aníbal Ollero, will give the talk “Coordinated operation of UAV in critical conditions”.

On the other hand, as event’s collaborator, CATEC will participate in the last activity, the exhibition and demo day to be held on the 26 April. Main capacities and features of these vehicles will be presented to professionals and technologists when a programme combining exhibitions of aerial platforms, including fixed and rotary wing aircrafts, with demonstration of ground systems (robots).

UNVEX is organized by the enterprise IDS and is supported by the main aerospace enterprises like Cassidian (EADS), Indra, Thales, Navantia, Tekplus Aerospace, CESA, the Secretary of State for Defence, the business associations TEDAE and AESMIDE, the company Hisdesat, the robotic technological platform HispaRob, and the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), among others.