Our Centre co-organized an information day with the company Impulso in Aerópolis and Tecnobahía to expose the available funding mechanisms in this field for industry and to inform about calls this year

In order to present the public financing mechanisms for R&D available for companies in the aerospace sector, our Centre co-organized with the company Impulso an information day on 25 and 26 February in the Tecnobahía and Aerópolis Technology Parks, in that participated more than 40 companies and entities. The initiative focused on presenting financial instruments that administrations and public entibies at national and regional level available to companies in this field, both for investment projects and for R&D, and the dates of calls for this public supports for 2016.

To do this, main features of these programmes were presented, such as programmes Reindustrialisation and Competitiveness of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism; the Retos-Colaboración Programme of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, or CIEN and Innterconecta programmes, of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), also under the Ministry of Economy.

CATEC participated in the day exposing several cases of success of these projects in various industrial sectors, developed in previous years, that were presented as examples of initiatives that could be presented in the calls for 2016. The session ended with a round of questions and discussion where attendees could learn more in detail the funding programs and raise doubts.