FADA-CATEC has worked on a new development that allows flexible non-contact inspections using infrared thermography.

The BEST AERO FACTORY project is committed to the development of new technologies that can later be applied in more efficient and safer aircraft manufacturing, improving efficiency of aeronautical processes by saving costs and production time.

In this context, FADA-CATEC has worked on a new development that allows flexible non-contact inspections, obtaining a digital record of the inspection for storage in a database and subsequent analysis.

In addition, the inspection of composite components before their curing phase has been carried out in an innovative way. Thanks to these inspections, through infrared thermography technology, FOD (Foreign Object Damage) can be detected during the manual lamination process, and can be eliminated before curing, reducing subsequent rework for repairs.

The technologies designed and developed within the framework of the BEST AERO FACTORY project will mean an improvement in competitiveness for the Andalusian aeronautical industry in the coming future, thanks to the reduction of manufacturing costs, energy and higher levels of social commitment.

The BEST AERO FACTORY project has been funded by the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Businesses and University of the Junta de Andalucía and 80 percent co-financed by the EU through ERDF funds, within the regulatory framework of the Order of April 7, 2017, within the scope of the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (PAIDI 2020) in the 2018 call.