The event will be held on Thursday, May 13 and will be hosted by the RPAS working group, belonging to the Spanish Aerospace Technology Platform, and will include representatives of the Government of Austria as special guests.

The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), FADA-CATEC and the Austrian Innovation Agency (FFG) will participate on May 13 in a webinar focused on promoting collaborative R&D projects on RPAS and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), which will host the RPAS working group, belonging to the Spanish Aerospace Technology Platform and with representatives of the Austrian government as special guests.

The projects will adjust to the rules and will be framed within the collaboration scheme of the international EUREKA program for the technological development of innovative products, processes, materials, equipment and services close to the market and applicable in the civil field.

Both the CDTI and the FFG agree on the great social, industrial and commercial impact that RPAS-UAVs civil applications will have in the medium term, for example, in the mobility of people and transport of goods, as has already been seen with the example of the distribution of vaccines and medicines with drones to hospitals and assistance centers in places lacking road infrastructure during the pandemic crisis.

In addition to flight applications over highly populated areas, UAVs already perform specific applications in rural and remote areas such as: help in locating, rescuing and identifying missing persons, detection of pests harmful to the agriculture, annual breeding census of endemic seagulls on cliffs, etc.

CDTI and FFG will financially support project participants that achieve recognition and pass the joint evaluation. These public aids are subsidized and preferential within the funding tools available.

The webinar will first explain rules and processes for participating in this call. All those people interested in attending the event can register for free, before May 10, at the following link: